Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sick and Twisted

So, right now I'm laying in bed, watching crappy infomercials that remind me of those trailers for Resident Evil, and finishing up my state taxes for last year. Blah.

I can't believe how much information is required for Madison financial aid, especially when I don't recall having to fill out this much information in Colorado. They require special forms, FAFSA, and a signed income tax return. That's just crazy talk!

Anyway, I'm not the one whose thinking and typing right now. . . Mr. Nyquil has taken over my mind and is making me do things while I am knocked out unconscious in my bed. Laalalala. . . *Devious laughter ensues*

I can't wait to go back to school again. . . I'm so sick of laying around, reading and watching infomercials. Blah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to do the same thing. We have to do fafsa and then another form which is just like the fafsa!! It's crazy!