Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oddly enough, everything is finished

I can't believe I am done! I'm finished with grading, and I've graduated with a 4.0 for my MA! I feel good.

I also feel like I'm missing something. . .

I will try to get some articles going for publication this summer, although I am not expecting much here. I figured that it would be good practice for the future.

I will also try to watch all the films I didn't have a chance to watch yet. . .

And I will be reading all of my Thursday Next novels. I might have to go back and read the Eyre Affair again because I can't quite remember what happened.

I've also been playing Katamari Damacy like a mad fiend. I started from scratch and am working on Star 8 now. Man, if only I didn't feel like vomitting after an hour of play. . . It's sooo good!

I'm really tempted by the new cingular Star Wars Sony Ericsson phone. . . Really tempted. . . But, of course, I'm more tempted by the picture of hot, saucy Ewan against my ear. . . *shudder*

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