Sunday, January 09, 2005

The last day of freedom

Today is the last day of Winter Break. My final spring semester for my masters program is finally here. Am I prepared for it? Not in the least. Here's a basic summary of what's already happened:
  1. I'm still not finished with my first draft of the impending doom known as the master's project. I am hoping my advisor won't have a fit when I turn it in on either Friday or Monday of next week.
  2. I've already received some heavy duty reading assignments for the first day of class. And yes, I did say the first day of class.
  3. Remember that washer trouble? Well. . . we just bought a new washer today. That took up about 3 hours of time. Now we're struggling with the semantics of how to get it up the !%#@#$ stairs!
  4. I still need to prepare for my first day of teaching in the semester. I'm using Blackboard this time to house the grades and everything else. I still haven't figured out how to put in my extended readings. I think I might try scanning them in and then converting them to pdfs. But, the hard part is figuring out how to scan them in without losing the crispness of the text. Or, I might just do things the old fashioned way and make photocopies. Hmm. . .
  5. I think I got fatter over the holidays. Sigh.

Of course, it's all a matter of pre-panic and antici---pation for the new semester. But, I suppose part of this mini-adrenaline rush is the reason behind why I enjoy school so much.

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