Thursday, March 09, 2006

CSI, how you amaze me

I watched the newest episode of CSI tonight. . . I think it's called "I Like to Watch." Anyway, I've been over-using the term "Post-Modern" as a way to describe any text that leaves its own diegetic realm and pops over to our side. When CSI makes fun of forensics shows like it, that definitely makes an impact on the viewers. Initially, you laugh -- you are also aware of the shortcomings and unrealistic expectations that these shows produce. Then there is a moment of silence when you wonder if fans like you encourage this kind of sensationalist behavior that makes everything into a spectacle (and makes that spectacle a social commodity). . . and, of course, you do. So you come out of part of the episode laughing, but you also realize that you are laughing at yourself. And that's the kind of laughter that hurts in the not-so-good way.

I'm really excited to go back to Colorado tomorrow. I'm worried that this weeklong vacation is going to encourage bad habits during the remainder of my semester. I will try to not let it get to me. I've also packed light in terms of my homework. Well, four books is considered light. I doubt I will get to all of them, but I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry. Besides, I swore to myself that I would not do any research or paper-writing during my break. No problem.

With that, this will be my first true Spring Break since . . . freshman year of undergrad. Whoa. It's been about 11 years. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait til you get home!

Oh, and your CSI thing, you lost me at diegetic. I feel dumb. I'm going to go lie down now. ;)