Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm finished with the summer job! Woo-hoo!!!


All I need to do now is pack, pack, pack. . . ship, ship, ship. . . clean, clean, clean. . . and shake, shake, shake!!!

I also got fed up with seeing Kirk Cameron's videos on my TV screen. . . so I deleted the religion channel from our line up. It's low down and dirty, but at this point in time, tormenting my roommate in little ways is the only entertainment I have in Mordor. So sue me. Besides, if she understands the nature of TV remotes, she'll eventually figure out what to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think technology is a mystery to their kind. Maybe she'll think, "God is punishing me for something by deleting my favorite channel. Must be greed." That's the ticket. :D Can't wait to see you! Melon and I have your present ready and waiting!