Saturday, January 21, 2006

Momentum is not. . .

... absolutely necessarily. . . Not right now, anyway. I'm just hours away from putting the finishing touches on my last paper from last semester. Yay, big procrastinator me, yay! I know that the momentum of the end of the term is exciting and loads of fun (har har har), but I don't think a slow pace when you're not under pressure makes my papers any worse. They seem to be a little more methodical. . . something that you can tongue and melt in your mouth, rather than biting straight away. . . I don't know. I think providing myself a good 2 weeks per paper seems to do the trick. Of course, the hard part is trying to actually find a full 2 weeks per paper to provide myself. Sigh.

Another nice thing about this semester is that I don't really have an emotional attachment to anything we're reading yet. Now, that is very interesting. . . I find that having no attachment to your topic (you neither like it or dislike it) makes it so much easier to write. Ultimately, I can be super objective about the work because I don't feel anything for it. Quality goes up as my expectations go down. . . quite ironic!

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