What is Spring Break? In what way does it function in society? And how the hell is it supposed to make you feel better about the rest of your semester?
Right now I am procrastinating my studies by procrastinating cleaning my apartment. I just left my SO and my family and other friends behind in Colorado for cold Madison. If Madison were in Colorado, or if everyone I knew were here, I would be 200% happier.
The difficulty with being an English major pack rat is that you accumulate an insane amount of paper and books that could possibly take over your entire apartment. Apparently, I need more bookcases. Blah.
My old advisor told me to revise and submit my papers for publication.
-- What? Are you serious?
-- You'd honestly be surprised.
I would definitely be surprised. Because right now, I find so much wrong with my work. . . I guess I will once again relegate these things to the summer.
First, I need to clean my apartment. Then I can clean up everything else.
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