After we finished snorting the remaining egg nog, things seemed to become less real. Sure, it could be the images we see on the new HDTV are too crisp for reality. Or sure, we could be finding out that the commercial values of Xmas happen to infiltrate the rest of the shopping year. Possibly, I've finally been able to relax and reflect on the last semester without any moment of anxiety. Who's to say. All I know is that once I leave my folks' home, I am returning to an unfinished master's project and an extremely specific deadline.
I am ultimately grateful that I don't have the standard 9to5 drone job that makes me want to stab myself to death with a wireless mouse. I've been there. But, I am hoping that the value of academic work will one day increase in monetary value. Yeah, right.
Right now, I am using my younger, richer sister's laptop to type this note. I've noticed that this cursor keeps bouncing from the line I am currently on to a different random line. Yet, it's not actually random. In fact, I found out that because I habitually rest my thumb on the bottom of the keyboard, I've been "clicking" the touchpad of her computer inadvertently. This causes the cursor to move to where the pointer was.
This is interesting. Only because it points out how some odd coincidences can be easily explained through some type of habitual behaviors in an unusual environment.
I wonder if everything we do, regardless of how minute, is representative of all of our concerns. And if I, as an individual, know that my small stuff represents me, then I could kind of assume that an individual becomes completely representative of an entire culture. All individuals are representative of their culture, sub-cultures, etc.
This could be an interesting thought considering how many people blog like mad fiends. And how many of those people are like me, watching some freak on Food TV while blogging away on a semi-possessed laptop.
Damn that egg nog!
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